Beyond the Streets
"NATION OF GRAFFITI ARTISTS (NOGA): 2nd Expanded Edition" Book

"NATION OF GRAFFITI ARTISTS (NOGA): 2nd Expanded Edition" Book
152 Pages
8 x 11 in (20.32 x 27.94 cm)
Written by Chris Pape, Photography by Michael Lawrence With additional photos by Gianfranco Gorgoni $ Moses Ros
BEYOND THE STREETS Publishing is pleased to present an extended version of Nation of Graffiti Artists, a title we originally released in October 2021. Due to overwhelming demand we decided to bring it back for a 2nd edition, packed with additional photography by Moses Ross and Gianfranco Gorgoni.
ABOUT THE BOOK: NOGA, the Nation of Graffiti Artists, was an artist’s workshop located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, and later on, in the Bronx. It was the utopian vision of Jack Pelsinger, who begged the city for a studio where kids of all talent levels could further their interests in the arts.
Photojournalist Michael Lawrence documented the experiment from 1974 to 1979. NOGA’s focus was teaching neighborhood kids how to paint, blending the boundaries between workshop and radical politics think-tank as kids were taught to bring their artwork to local protests, sell their canvases in street fairs, and exhibit murals on buildings. It was a lesson in creative capitalism but for most of the participants, the true payoff was in finding their voice.
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