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KC Ortiz Documentary

KC Ortiz
Directed by Henrik Edelbo 

Graffiti painter, prisoner, and war photographer. American artist KC Ortiz has always taken a different path of adventure and intrigue, but now he has moved to Denmark and become a father, it’s time for another change.
As a teenager he was one of Chicago’s notorious graffiti painters, then he got involved in organised crime and spent five years in jail, and there he caught an interest in the photojournalism that later made him an award-winning war photographer. But now American KC Ortiz has become a father and settled in Denmark. And fatherhood has made him rethink his life and look back on a storied past. A past he tries to process and combine with the state of the world today through his colourful paintings.

New original works are available now on our shop 

KC Ortiz trailer from Henrik Edelbo on Vimeo.


KC Ortiz World Premiere on March 25th, 2022 at the CPHDOX festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.  Link to buy tickets