Ian Reid: A Few Days and Nights
Ian Reid was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. He is a photojournalist, filmmaker, visual artist and creative producer that began his earliest works while immersed in the world of skateboarding. His photos, while grounded in reality, constantly provoke imagination and the desire to uncover the true story behind each image. Reid reminds us of this notion with his latest book release, A Few Days and Nights, produced by BEYOND THE STREETS and in conjunction with the exhibition New York Responds: The First Six Months at the Museum of the City of New York.

Reid’s standard style of reporting on what could be argued, as both, the most painful and interesting time of our collective lives, is undeniably veracious, debuting right at the very moment the world begins to recover, A Few Days and Nights rings in to speak of a time not so far from our memory when one of busiest cities of the world came to a halt, overnight.

A Note From Ian Reid
This series of photographs started on March 16, 2020, with daily bike rides with a good friend who worked too much. We didn’t think much of what was going on other then we finally had time off to relax and hang out. I would take photos and sometimes videos of what was happening and the signs that said “Sorry we are closed temporarily, we will reopen in 2 weeks.” We brushed it off and said oh it’ll be “A few days & nights.” Things will be normal again soon.